M6 has deprogrammed its adventure game for two consecutive weeks. Fans will have to wait before being able to watch the semi-final of the show.

La Six broadcasts the quarter-final first leg of the Europa League between Benfica Lisbon and Olympique Marseille. Xavier Domergue and Jean-Marc Ferreri will comment on this duel live from 8:50 p.m. The following week, on Thursday April 18, M6 will not broadcast “Pékin Express” either but will offer the second leg of Europa League. Olympique de Marseille will host Benfique Lisbon in its lair at the Vélodrome. A summit meeting which should delight football aficionados. Stéphane Rotenberg and the three teams still in the competition will find Sté PHILIPE ROTENBERG. The candidates will compete in three races: a trek in the middle of the mountains, a mission on the water and an archery event. At the end of each race, the pair arriving last will draw a black envelope.