Berlin police break up controversial "Palestine Congress" on Friday. Police say they expect protests this weekend.

Emergency services will remain at the event location in Tempelhof, police say. Organizers had announced the congress a long time ago, but kept the exact location secret for a long. time and only announced it on. Friday. The decision to break up the event applies not only to Friday, but also to. Saturday and Sunday, a police spokeswoman says. The police union also called the officers' crackdown "a strong signal towards those who exploit our democracy or doubt the assertiveness of the capital's police" The police were on site with a massive contingent and sometimes followed the event, which was considered a public meeting, directly in the hall. The participants in the meeting reacted to the official termination by the police with loud expressions of displeasure. Among other things, they chanted “shame on you” in English. There had already been protests against the event in advance, including from the Central Council of Jews.