The Russian economy is struggling with a variety of problems. One of them is the shortage of skilled workers.

Vladimir Putin is looking for ways to stimulate the economy. He could try to increase labor productivity in Russia, but this would require technological advances. Sanctions limit Putin's ability to solve problems in the Russian labor market and stabilize theEconomy. The Russian economy relies on immigration due to economic and demographic factors. But after the terrorist attack in Moscow on March 22, Russia appears to want to rethink its migration policy. It is deporting migrants in large numbers. The lack of innovation caused by sanctions is now taking its toll on the Russian economy. The aim is to expand the army from 1.15 million to 1.5 million soldiers by 2026. However, the ISW war experts expressed doubts: “It is unclear whether the Russian military will be able to grow within three years as Shoigu described,” especially given the shortage in skilled workers, they said. The shortage is also felt strongly in manufacturing, construction and transport.