Sociologist Julien Damon is trying to determine what assistance should be a priority. The former director of research at the National Family Allowance Fund believes that the State should support romantic encounters in order to limit the number of single-parent families.

The driving force behind single parenthood was the death of one of the spouses. In our time, birth is the driving force of a single parent family. The conditions of its training have changed as well as the way it is trained. The single- parent family is the family form that is progressing the most. It is the form that has the most potential to improve the lives of its members, says Damon. The French government is considering creating a “single parent’s status” to help single parents. The issue has been at the heart of the political and media debates of Macron's five-year term. It has been the subject of several essays on poverty and a recent work on public toilets. The government is also considering the creation of a ‘single-parent’ status under study.