After months of discussions, the traffic light has agreed on a reform of the Climate Protection Act. Instead of checking binding sector targets retroactively and reacting with immediate programs if they are not met, the main focus in the future will be whether greenhouse gas savings targets are met across all sectors.

This now clears the way for the planned solar funding package, which is linked to the reform. The FDP in particular was bothered by binding requirements in individual economic sectors. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) recently threatened "weekend driving bans" if the reform was not implemented soon. The activist Neubauer thinks this is all "absurd" and has warned of a 'climate cheating law' if it is not implemented. The binding sector target is the core of the climate protection law and would ensure that missing the targets has real consequences. Young people are extremely disappointed by the proposed reform, says the Young Socialists of the SPD (Jusos).