Housing is becoming increasingly expensive, especially in big cities. In 2023 alone, rents in Berlin rose by 18.4 percent in 2023, according to the Postbank Housing Atlas.

The German Tenants' Association sees politicians as sharing responsibility for the crises. The housing shortage remains one of the most pressing problems of the time across the country. Experts have also been calling for new impetus in the construction industry for a long time.. The situation on the housing market is tense. Tenants are worried about not being able to afford affordable housing. The construction industry is once again blamed once again for the housing shortage. The development of rental prices, especially new and re-letting rents, has taken on an uncontrolled dynamic,” says Lukas Siebenkotten, President of the German Tenant’s Association. “Affordable housing must finally be made a top priority. An instrument for more and permanently affordable living space would be the introduction of the new non-profit housing system, which the traffic light coalition members have also agreed on”.