The writer reveals her intimacy so that we can dress ourselves with her knowledge, her learning, her experience. We are faced with a child's memory, of learning, of connection between his readings, his experiences, and his life and writing lessons.

Although she is away from police investigations this time, Ribas maintains the essence of a literature that always calls for personal growth, self-improvement, and the search for authenticity in the smallest details. Pura Rosa Ribas offers not the usual photo, but the interesting negative of that photo. A girl who lived in several houses, who attended several schools, three languages, and who lived among four generations, little Ribas learns through mistakes, as we all do, also marked by diopters that distorted her vision and that, above all, fed your imagination. She has lived in Spanish, Catalan, and German, the ghosts of childhood, the influence of neighbors, grandparents, neighbors, and grandparents. She is a student of words and aware of the intimate meaning they acquire for oneself beyond their assessed value.