Mexican writer Aura García-Junco wrote an autobiographical essay after the death of her father, H. Pascal.

The book is based on the readings that made up her personal library. The story actually began as a fiction book, but the attempt failed. “I especially wished that no one thought of him the way I did, with that fury and that rejection,” her alter ego confesses at one point in the book. The novel was her way of dealing with her grief, of resuming unfinished conversations and also of facing with new eyes all the things that had distanced her from her father when she was still alive, she says. The author says the book closes the gap between the two characters, until they are unified under the same imperfect personality of which, despite everything, he inherited his literary vocation and taste for science and fantasy. “As if he were hiding something, in short—the book progresses—it closes the duel, in long—it ends in short,’ he says.