Researchers have managed to communicate with a humpback whale. The scientists played a recording over an underwater loudspeaker.

The whale then rose to the surface before diving again. This surreal conversation could be the first step towards communicating with a non-human intelligence. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) research group works on the language and intelligence of humpback whales. They now seek to unravel the mysteries of this conversation. “It’s just incredible.” Josie Hubbard, animal behaviorist and doctoral student at the University of California, Davis, still can’t believe it. “You hear them coming to the. surface, then there is this big breath, you can see it,” continues Josie. Hubbard. ‘IT’S LIKE DISCOVERING ANOTHER WORLD’ The whale named Twain, 38, broke away from his group and circled the ship for around twenty minutes. She was very receptive to playing sounds.