The government is working on a rule to be included in the next competition law that could allow a sort of 'portability' of the black box. Despite significant "welcome" discounts for new customers, the premium reduction applied from the second year of installation of a black box only occurs if the insured does not change company.

An attitude that would generate lock-in phenomena, i.e. "forced" consumer loyalty, is being considered by the government. The aim is to allow the consumer to choose the most convenient offer on the market every year, preserving and maintaining personal data. (HANDLE) Lower prices and less car insurance fraud is the government's aim. The government is also trying to reduce the number of car accidents in the UK. The number of accidents has fallen by more than a third in the last five years, the government says. The figure is expected to fall further in the coming years as more cars are fitted with black boxes. The Government is also hoping to reduce car accidents by 10 per cent by the end of 2014.