Tristan Schulze, 30, was elected as the new local chairman of the Markt Schwaben CSU. Peter Nöscher, the outgoing local chairman, had to resign for professional reasons.

Valentina Dahms was nominated as the joint mayoral candidate by the CSU and Free Voters and with the support of the FDP at an extraordinary meeting in March. The election manager was taken over by Valentine Dahms, who previously spoke out in favor of the current chairman. The entire local board was subsequently unanimously discharged, and the by-election of the local chairman and an assessor was on the agenda. The new chairman studied journalism with a focus on media production and then completed his MBA in business administration. He has been working as a project manager for a social insurance company since September. He was elected without any opposition votes after he had previously been allowed to introduce himself to the members. He is a single, 30-year-old man from the Harz Mountains.