Around 500 students went on a tour through Penzberg on Thursday to visit companies. It was an opportunity for companies to recruit trainees.

35 employers took part in the “Open Business Day’. A training fair will follow in October (as in 2023) The profession should be more than just a job, agreed Dr. Jörg-Martin Ruppin and his wife Sandra, from Dr. Ruppins & colleagues.. The day was well received by the young people surveyed, who said it was a good thing so they can be clearer about which direction they want to go. The goal must be to train ourselves and retain the next generation, said Mayor Stefan Korpan (CSU), who himself led a group of students on their tour on Thursday. The event was organized by “Neuorientation null-acht 12’ and the city’s economic development agency ‘Neu Orientation null’ 12. The organizers were once again Sabine Ostermann, Nicola Schackmann and Katharina Panholzer.