Austrian swear words are much better than those in Germany. Here are ten swear words to prove it.

If you're really brave, you can try this dialect quiz to become an honorary Austrian. In Austria a Lulu is also a cowardly person - in German: a coward. The snow bruzer means a braggart or a fool. You have a BRAIN like a PASTA SIEVE. King Charles would receive this title in Austria, or Sebastian Kurz. If someone constantly complains about everything and is not satisfied with anything, in German they are usually a complainer or complainer. The gender-neutral Raunze is way ahead of this, although not as widespread as Suderer. The earwashing cactus is still better than gliders. A bag picker is a prison inmate or convict. The Austrian “schleich di!” implies an exit that is as quiet and inconspicuous as possible. The Viennese expression has nothing to do with the “attenzione pickpocket” known from the Internet. The term is definitely cooler than buffoonery.