AfD politician Petr Bystron faces corruption allegations. The German Bundestag discusses the reports in a current hour.

The allegations are based on reports about the pro-Russian internet platform “Voice of Europe” (VoE), which was placed on the national sanctions list by the Czech cabinet. The AfD continues to demand the release of recordings from the Czech secret service, which, according to Denik N, are supposed to incriminate Bystroon. A current hour can be called by a parliamentary group in Germany to debate topics of current interest. The one-hour debate is usually opened by a member of the parliamentary group that requested it - in this case the traffic light parliamentary groups.. AfD is repeatedly criticized because of its proximity to Russia. Three members of the state parliament had planned to visit the occupied territories in eastern Ukraine during a visit to Russia, but after sharp criticism from the Federal Executive Board, the trip was canceled. Three AfD MPs traveled to Russia in March to get an idea of the presidential elections but independent election observers were not invited.