Chairman of Yad Labanim Eli Ben Shem warns against damage to the status and existence of the memorial ceremonies for the martyrs of Israel's systems. According to him, the clashes last year against the background of the legal revolution stand as a warning sign for what is to come.

"There is one thing before my eyes - the sanctity of the day, to pay respect to the fallen of the campaign and their families," he said. "I want Memorial Day to pass in unity and holiness," he told 103FM. "We are a month before Memorial Day, to invest thought and make sure that this day passes with dignity," he added. "It was like this last year as well, but this year It's at a much higher intensity. Respect should be given to the falls, the fallen and the families, who should give them their respect," said the chairman of the organization. "This is the only day on which there was a consensus. Opinions are also divided in 'Yid Lavinim', but we have the privilege, as Minister Regev did, which was threatening, she brought out the crowd," added the chairman.