We live in a society that imposes ideals on us that are impossible to fulfill. We have so normalized the pressure around our image that most of the time we are not aware that it exists.

We interpret as normal a physical perfection that, directly, does not exist. Virtual women like Shudu, Miquela, Imma Gram, Aitana López seem to be real, even though they aren't. The ideal of perfection now reaches a new facet of cruelty, writes Frida Ghitis, author of the book "The Art of the Perfect Body" She says we have gone with a corset and scalpel and in a small leap from there, in a very big way, for the industry, for society, for our well-being and that of our families and loved ones, Ghitis says. The new ideal does not sleep, doesn't get sick, does not gain weight. Ghitis: If technology can be disruptive and this implementation of digital technology can. be disruptive to humans, it's not at its psychosocial effect.