Alessia Pifferi is in prison for letting her 18-month-old daughter Diana die of starvation in July 2022. The 38-year-old is on trial for aggravated voluntary homicide in Milan.

The prosecutor is retracing all the "lies and lies" told by the 38- year-old to her partner to hide the girl's death. She said: "I am neither a murderer nor a monster, I am a mother who lost her daughter and I never thought something like this could happen to my little girl" "I didn't know I was pregnant - she continued - but I accepted it, for me Diana was the best gift of my life", she said. "I want to reiterate to all of Italy that I never premeditatedsomething like this, I never wanted to hurt her", added Pifferi, who is already paying for her life sentence having lost her little girl. "This is the terrible death of a human being - he explained - and in this case it is a little girl, who only knows how to smile"