The memoirs of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who died in February, are published under the title “Patriot” S. Fischer Verlag plans to publish the book on October 22nd, as it announced on April 11th.

Navalny began working on the book in 2020, shortly after he was the victim of a poison attack, the publisher said. The book is "a moving account of his final years in the world's most brutal prison, and a stirring call to continue the work for which he gave his life," said the publisher. The project is a more sensitive undertaking than most memoirs by high-profile political figures, according to the publisher, who added that Navalny wrote the entire memoir himself, dictating some parts. The manuscript contains previously unpublished notes from his time in prison. The Russian-language edition of the book will be available. A Russian-speaking version of the memoir will also be released in October. The memoir has already been translated into eleven languages, Navalnaya wrote.