With the return of sunny days comes the desire to organize a barbecue at home. This pleasure is not reserved for those who have a garden.

It is most often possible to enjoy it on your balcony or terrace. Please note, certain rules sometimes exist to ensure good neighborliness. Here is everything you need to know to have a good barbecue while respecting the rules. If you live in an individual property, barbecue is always permitted by default. A municipality or the prefect can in fact issue an order to prohibit barbecues in the event of drought for example. Day and time restrictions may also apply. The noise and odors generated by an outdoor barbecue can, when they are lasting, repeated and intense, constitute neighborhood disturbances within the meaning of article R. 1336-5 of the Public Health Code. The risk of clogging the facade and ventilation of homes with fumes. Situations which may give rise to a claim for damages. The rules differ depending on the layout of the accommodation or the preferences of the co-owners.