An organic cheese served in the school restaurant in the town of La Chevrolière, near Lake Grand-Lieu, could be the cause of an outbreak of salmonella contamination. In total, 24 schoolchildren - mostly from small sections - showed signs of "brutal gastroenteritis." The first sick children were counted at the beginning of March.

A neighboring farm producing organic milk and cheeses – including a "sweet" – could also be the source of the contamination, says the town's mayor of the Les Républicains of the town, Johann Boblin. The outbreak has now been declared a health crisis by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Pays de la Loire, which has launched an investigation. The bacteria was found on a piece of organic "cow" cheese, according to an information note from the ARS intended for parents of students at La Chevrolet. The town's mayor confides to Le Figaro Nantes that the local health agency had been in the dark about the problem for a few weeks.