The Chamber of Deputies is preparing to start the committee's treatment of the Bases Law and the fiscal package. The dialogueists approve it in general, but there are differences due to the delegation of powers and privatizations.

It is anticipated that the representatives from La Pampa to Tierra del Fuego will reject it, at least if the scales proposed in the draft are maintained. "The Earnings issue is poorly designed because the floor ends up being very low at $1.2 million net for singles and the table grows very quickly," protested the radical Martín Tetaz. The Government is beginning to feel pressure not only from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) but also from the market itself, which is asking Milei to negotiate with politics the terms of the mega DNU, which has already been rejected by the Senate. Several measures were replicated in the law and even labor reform will be included. The Salta Governor Gustavo Sáenzo will ask for a change after protesting the business lobby exerted on deputies from La Libertad Avanza.