Beatrice Egli is fueling speculation about a possible love affair with Florian Silbereisen. Top-class guests include Howard Carpendale (78), Marianne Rosenberg (69), Kerstin Ott (42), Ben Zucker (40), Lucy Diakovska (48) and many others.

Semino Rossi (61) is also there and talks about his first appearance on German TV withFlorian SilBereisen (42) In the conversation the show host also fuels the love rumors about her hit colleague. The news came as a surprise that “The Beatrice Eglis Show” would no longer be shown on the first channel in the future and would be pushed back to the third party. In the future, hit fans will be able to watch the music show on SWR, MDR and NDR. More news from the world of entertainment can be found in our new app. Alternatively, our new Whatsapp channel also offers the best entertainment.