Beauvais municipal council approved the closure of a school in the Saint-Jean district. On the way out, Christophe Gaspart, elected by the right-wing majority, is attacked by a man.

Later in the evening, his car, parked in front of his home, was broken into. “I was insulted and mistreated just because I belong to the majority,” he laments. The matter will come to the table of elected officials, during the municipal council meeting this Thursday evening. They will have to deliberate on “a grant of functional protection” to Gaspart. ‘I was elected to defend a population. I must make sure to continue even if I know that as an elected official, I am not safe from anything,’ Gaspart says. The city undertakes to protect elected officials and covers legal costs, says Franck Pia, mayor ( UDI) from Beauvais. The mayor says it is normal that “the municipality is required to protectelected officials against violence, threats or insults”