The belle de jour is an ephemeral diurnal flower that blooms in the morning, only to close and fade in the evening. New flowers thus appear and follow one another for several months to offer a beautiful colorful spectacle.

The flowering of the beautiful day flower is very honey-producing and attracts a large number of foraging insects. Belle de jour has the advantage of being able to be planted in many soils, even if they are poor in nature. The flowers will, however, need well-drained soil to flourish and a sunny or partially shaded position (especially if you live in the South). It is indeed better to avoid places that are too hot. It is often said that it is a perfect flower for beginners. You just need to water regularly to keep the soil fresh (especially for pot-grown plants), but be careful of stagnant humidity, which these flowers hate. Nothing to enjoy to enjoy long, colorful months of the summer season, from the end of spring until September. Get small pots, with a diameter of 10 cm, which you will then place in a cold greenhouse or on the balcony.