Bologna celebrated Romano Prodi: the professor was awarded the Golden Archiginnasio, the city's highest cultural honour. In a covered square of the Salaborsa, the library overlooking Piazza Maggiore, crowded with friends, colleagues from the University, representatives of the political world and many circles of the city that Prodi has met since he moved there at the beginning of the sixties.

Prodi gave a speech on his bond with the city. With a special dedication: "To whom do you want me to dedicate it - he said at the end of the ceremony speaking to reporters - I dedicate it to my wife". Flavia Franzoni, who died recently, was remembered several times during the morning. The mayor Matteo Lepore and Prodi spoke at the same time about the loss of the former mayor of Bologna, who was also a friend of Prodi's, Flavia Franzoni, to whom he dedicated the honour.