Sweet cuisine is possibly the least pampered in a restaurant, the forgotten one in daily kitchens, the recurring one in celebrations and the one misunderstood in many gastronomic establishments. “The palate is educated by eating,” Vázquez Montalbán once said.

In this book, Christina Tosi reveals all the secrets that have led her to be one of the great pastry chefs in the world. Jordi Roca says that Miquel Guarro's latest book, Dulce Revolución, is “a book that all of us pastry lovers should have on our shelves” The sweet, at least in Spain, triumphs due to fashion: some time ago it was cupcakes; then cookies; and, now, the inexplicable success of cheesecakes. The book is a provocation to greedy curiosity, the push to get into the kitchen and start preparing the most seductive cakes and biscuits of the moment. It is a simple and practical manual to lose the fear of baking at home.