In eight years, attendance at the Bordeaux station exchange hub has increased from 11 to 26 million travelers. To adapt the station to this growing flow of users, a major project costing between 17 and 20 million euros is planned.

Among the planned actions: the reorganization of bicycle parking, the improvement of service by buses and coaches. The metropolis's first express bus line, which will connect Saint-Jean station to Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc, should also be put into service in mid-2024. The project to make the station more accessible to all modes of transport should see the light of day in several phases by 2030, according to the metropolitan plan presented to the city council on Friday April 12. The Grand Sud-Ouest railway project (GPSO) now plans to connect Bordeaux to Toulouse by TGV and then Bordeux to Spain. A controversial project because of the destruction of natural, agricultural and forest areas that it involves.