Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone said this in the Budget Committee of the Chamber on the amendment to the Pnrr decree. Reformulated, rewrites the rule on points-based driving licenses for safety at work.

"We start from construction, but the reformulation foresees an opening to other sectors which will have to be evaluated", said the minister. The work remains open because we have a commitment with the social partners to meet periodically, she said. The amendment was approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate on Tuesday. The bill was passed by the Senate and the Assembly on Wednesday. It is expected to be voted on in the next parliamentary session, which will be held on September 18. The vote is expected on whether to extend the points- based driving license to other parts of the country, such as the construction sector and the health care sector. It was also approved on Wednesday that the credit driving licence could be extended to other areas, including the construction and health care sectors.