The victim, a man born in 1966, was found dead Monday evening at his home in the presence of two men who called for help. “Chemsex-related” products, such as 3MMC and GBL, were found on site.

Two men were indicted, respectively for drug trafficking and complicity in trafficking. This case comes shortly after the opening in Bordeaux of three separate investigations into four overdoses, including two fatalities, suffered in mid-March. In addition to the risks of overdose or linked to the injection of narcotics, this practice can lead to intense fatigue, with effects of depression, anxiety and paranoia among its most diligent followers. The practice has been favored in recent years by dating applications like Grindr, for “sexparties” over a long period of time (a weekend, several days in a row) and can cause depression and anxiety among those who take part in it. The first findings and hearings suggest a death occurred during a chemsex evening, according to a police source.