Head teachers in the Erding district do not fear increased cannabis consumption. However, they do want to further expand prevention in their schools.

A unit on cannabis prevention has been taking place in all eighth grades at Dorfen High School for years. The FOS/BOS in Erding, which many students over the age of 18 attend, also offers numerous preventative measures.. The school has already submitted an application to the district office to expand school social work, partly due to the new law. The change in house rules now prohibits staying on school grounds or in class while intoxicated, regardless of whether this was caused by cannabis or alcohol.. In response to the legalization, all family members of the school forum in the end of March with all all members of school forum. in the beginning of March. “Theoretically, it would be legal for an adult to go more than 100 meters away from school during their lunch break and then sit in class stoned,” explains Jens Baumgärtel.