The local council in Tutzing decided on Tuesday to set up a senior citizens' advisory board. At least 100 eligible voters over the age of 60 must take part in the election.

Eight of the 14 municipalities in the Starnberg district already have it, and Tutzing is now following suit. The advisory board should have at least four and a maximum of nine members, represent the interests of seniors in a non-partisan and non-denominational manner and mediate between the local council and older people. The youth advisory board, on the other hand, also represents people who do not yet have the right to vote. Even 12-year-olds can vote for representation in the youth board. The election will be valid in the future if 2.7 percent of them take part. The administration ruled out postal voting because of the high organizational effort. The decision was controversial, the local politicians discussed it for a long time and in the end voted with a narrow 9:8 majority for the application from ÖDP councilor Caroline Krug.