CSU family politician Dorothee Bär calls for mandatory counseling before a planned gender change. The new regulation would abolish and replace the previous transsexual law.

A simple statement at the registry office should now be sufficient to change the gender entry or first name. The law is scheduled to be voted on in the German Bundestag on Friday (April 12) The coalition draft “completely ignores the protection of children and young people” and “opens the door to abuse,” says BÄr. But Family Minister Lisa Paus, on the other hand, defended her draft and noted that the current situation was ‘unsustainable’ and ‘discriminatory’ for many of those affected.. If the Union is involved in the next federal government, the Union will be the first to urgently change the law, says Andrea Lindholz, a member of the CSU's youth wing, in an interview with the German news agency ZDF. She says: “People who want to conceal their identity now have the best options here’