A woman from northern Germany discovers holes in the sand in her garden. Users have a guess on Facebook.

Sand bees are likely to be behind the holes, says the German Nature Conservation Association (NABU) Sand bees live in colonies and usually dig their nests close to each other. After mating, the females create new nests. They can be up to 20 centimeters deep and contain 2-3 brood cells.. A mother and her daughter discover a rare animal in their garden in Bremen. A man in Badür-Württemberg made a scary discovery while digging in his garden in Bad Württemburg. The discovery of a Viking treasure in the garden also caused amazement in the town of Bad Wurttemberg.. The German Nature conservation association says sand bees are often found on the edges of forests, in gardens or parks. They are usually seen from late March to late May and from early July to early September. The insects fly just above the ground to mate as soon as they hatch.