Analysis by EL PAÍS with data from the Latinobarómetro shows an ideological bifurcation between men and women. The duel between Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez is the same between genders, but the first stands out a lot among the young women and the second closes the gap between the older ones.

Since 2015, a general leftward movement has been observed - which has led all candidates to seek to occupy that space - but that trend seems to have been truncated with men. “We are seeing and experiencing it in the universities,” says the gender specialist Denisse Cejudo. ‘There is a struggle for political space between feminist agendas and some who have embraced very basic and simplistic patriarchal discourses, such as 'go to the kitchen,' she says. The phenomenon has been reflected in countries such as Germany, Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom, with men receptive to far-right speeches and women more convinced of progressivism.