By 2045, Germany's energy supply should become climate-neutral. On the way there, emissions are expected to fall by 65 percent compared to 1990 by 2030.

Around 72 percent of heating systems in German households are currently still powered by gas or petroleum. In order to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, more and more households will have to be supplied by heating networks in the coming years or obtain their heat directly from electricity-powered heat pumps. If the number of natural gas consumers decreases, the costs of operating and maintaining the supply networks will need to be borne by fewer and fewer customers. At some point this will be very expensive for the remaining gas customers, experts warn.. With its Green Paper, the BMWK has fueled the discussion about the expansion of supply networks. The municipal utilities are required to take a stand. The government originally wanted to quickly and comprehensively ban the installation of heating devices using fossil fuels. However, after massive resistance arose, the traffic coalition has also added a light light act to the Building Energy Act.