A dog is considered destructive when it attacks any object belonging to you that comes in its path. A destructive dog should not be confused with a dog suffering from pica disease, which tends to swallow inedible materials (plants, wood, paper, etc.) compulsively.

To correct your dog's behavior, it is imperative to understand the reasons that lead him to act this way. Do not hesitate to seek advice from a veterinarian or a dog trainer. If you catch your pet destroying everything, there's no point in getting angry: it won't solve anything. By playing with your pet, you show your affection and interest in him. By trashing your home, it can be beneficial for you and your dog to be apart from each other. If your dog is bored, make sure to keep him occupied while you are away. If the separation makes him anxious, take him in the half hour before your departure and leave discreetly. You can also increase the duration of their walks so that he can exercise more.