Coral reefs are endangered by climate change. In the north of Australia, in areas accessible by boat, the coral of the Great Barrier Reef is still magnificent.

In Papua New Guinea, the Acropora coral tables and staghorn corals are renowned for their immensity. In Indonesia, the Raja Ampat archipelago is home to 550 species of coral. The Red Sea (Egypt, Sudan) remains a magical and inexhaustible source of discovery. In France, eight overseas communities shelter nearly 10% of the world's reefs and 20% of atolls. Most of these areas are easy to dive, by fringing reefs, Mayotte and Mayotte, Calonia and the Mayotte Barrier Islands, are easy areas to dive. The coral is a tireless mason. Once fixed on a substrate, it builds a house around itself to protect itself (exoskeleton) and prevent it from being eaten or carried away by the current. When he is finished, he closes the lodge and builds another one. As the polyp buds, a colony is formed.