Kreissparkasse in Gräfelfing is only open twice a week for a few hours. Local councilors have now expressed outrage and called on the mayor to take action.

The bank is struggling with a “significant shortage of skilled workers” At the same time, the costs of maintaining the branch network are high. And customers have largely switched to doing their banking digitally, while customer frequency in branches is falling.. The branch on Bahnhofstrasse is only. open two days a week from 2 p.m. to 4 p.M. and on. Fridays from 9 a.m to 12 p. m. Even the box for depositing paper transfers has been abolished. The district savings bank had to abolish the box. for paper transfers because there was a ‘legal time limit for executing transfers’ that could no longer be. adhered to. The committee asked Mayor Peter Köstler to write “a nasty letter” to the Kreisspark.asse.