A survey by the International IDEA organization shows that in 11 of 19 countries analyzed, less than half of voters consider that the last elections were free and fair. The survey was carried out in three of the largest democracies in the world: Brazil, India and the United States.

The countries most confident in their electoral systems are Denmark and Tanzania, with more than 70% positive responses. Pakistan is at the bottom, with less than 20%. In relation to the opinion of minorities, also analyzed in the report, although in most countries they distrust elections more than majority groups. In Brazil, Gambia and Italy, for example, the trend is the opposite, towards greater faith in these processes. In half of the people surveyed in Denmark (about 1,500) believe that courts “always” or “often provide access to justice” Only in Lithuania comes “notably negative” in this regard, with only 75% of respondents believing that courts are ‘always’ or ‘often’ available.