A pollen allergy, often called hay fever, is an allergic reaction to the tiny, invisible pollen grains that trees, grasses and weeds release into the air. When these small particles enter the nose of an allergic person, the immune system mistakenly recognizes them as invaders and overreacts with typical hay fever symptoms.

The treatment of a pollen allergy follows similar principles regardless of age. But there are important differences in approach and treatment options that should be tailored to the patient's age and individual needs. Open windows at night to make it easier for pollen to enter the bedroom and cause allergic reactions. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a long-term approach that aims to make theimmune system less sensitive to certain allergens. Drug treatment with antihistamines, corticosteroid nasal sprays, and eye drops are common treatments that relieve symptoms. Opinions vary on the Cromo-Stulln eye drops for pollen allergies and Otri allergy nasal spray for adults. Allergy symptoms can worsen at night, and there are a variety of reasons for this.