Social networks, unmet goals or being the center of attention are some of the causes that can change the mood on a day when society imposes birthday people to be happy. Anger, frustration, irritability, anxiety, sadness...

These do not seem like moods associated with a date of a festive nature and, however, our birthday can generate one or all of these emotions at the same time. “The impact that social networks are having on people is creating new forms of entertainment, but also suffering,” say the founders of the Psicode Psychology Institute in Madrid and Alicante. For some people, a birthday is a day to show others that they are having a good time by making a detailed report on social media. For those people who have social anxiety, or are very embarrassing, their birthday becomes a very stressful situation, because they do not like to be thecenter of attention and have people paying attention to them. Turning years and above all, changing the decade is a difficult pill to digest.