CSU and CDU want to make driving licenses affordable again. Suggestion comes from CDU member of the Bundestag Florian Müller.

There is already criticism of the idea from the SPD and the Saxon Driving Instructors Association. Small driving schools could have massive problems with the purchase, says Petra Schilling-Fankhänel from the Eberl driving school in Unterschleißheim. The simulator is also well suited for training for students who have difficulty changing gears, says Udo Wagner from the “Follow me’ driving school’s’ Unterhaching branch. He uses the three computers, which are connected to a steering wheel, as well as accelerator and brake pedals and a gear stick, especially at the beginning of the operation. The driving school owner believes that the fact that money can be saved through the use of simulators is a fallacy - both on the part of the driving schools and the customers. The learner driver therefore saves no costs.