The Erding Neighborhood Help Center was very active again last year and reported record donations. 204.8 tons of food alone were distributed.

Petra Bauernfeind, re-elected chairwoman of Neighborhood Aid (NBH) Erding, reported a record in terms of donations in kind and money, but also from Tafel customers. The club purchased a second vehicle for 48,000 euros, an electric car with a cooling attachment. The Café am Brückerl is also “slowly becoming established,” says BauERNfeind. The NBH will no longer take part in the Wishing Stars Christmas campaign. The effort involved in assigning each child a specific gift is too great. “Unfortunately we have to do without it,’ regretted Bauerfein. The Upper Bavaria district demanded almost 15,000 euro in grants back from the pandemic years. But the money has already been distributed. Thanks to the NBH, these were able to be repaid.