Italy is still behind in terms of adherence to cancer prevention screening. Less than 40% of the target population in Italy is subjected to cervical cancer screening compared to an EU average of 56%.

Despite recent investments, the National Health System does not include screening programs for lung and prostate cancer. The reasons for the poor adherence to screening, the researchers highlight, "are many, but these gaps help to explain why Italian patients are diagnosed when they are already in more advanced stages of the tumor" The objective, underlined the Eco researchers, is therefore to develop "innovative methods to improve, promote, and make early cancer diagnosis accessible to all citizens", since "by improving tumor screening, it is possible to save thousands of lives. "The European Cancer Organization (Eco) and the Umberto Veronesi Foundation presented the 'National Report for Italy' today to the Senate. The report highlights best practices that can be undertaken at national level, including improving public awareness by sharing more information and monitoring high-risk groups, such as people affected by the hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses.