The Baptist church of Pontault-Combault welcomed six new faithful into its fold on Sunday. Three women and three men – aged 26 to 68 – were baptized by a pastor.

Among evangelicals, baptism is given at the age of reason, from 15 years old. Never to children: according to them, we are not born Christian, we become one through commitment. The future baptized described their journey in front of the community, as they climbed onto the platform. Powerful, moving and very personal testimonies were delivered by Corentin, 26, from Seine-et-Marnais, who spoke of this feeling of God buried within him, from childhood. The thirty-year-old who succeeds him will not hide his past grudges, even against God. Whereas today, “his permanent presence” has made him a “better person”. Very attentive, the faithful proclaim from time to time an approving ‘Amen’. The ceremony was attended by several hundred people.