Transport sector caused significantly more exhaust gases in 2023 than legally permitted. Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has threatened weekend driving bans.

He wants to put pressure on a rapid reform of the climate protection law. The Federal Cabinet has already passed it, but an agreement in the Bundestag is still pending. Germany has set itself the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent by 1990 compared to 1990. By 2045, Germany wants to be climate neutral, meaning it will not emit more greenhouse gases than can be stored. If individual areas fail to meet the requirements, the responsible federal government ministries must follow up with immediate programs. If the climate plans presented last summer were not enough, the situation has worsened since then, experts say. The main thing that will be important in the future is greenhouse gas savings across all areas. The measures decided so far are not sufficient, emphasized the expert council. The exact climate targets for individual economic sectors are a thorn in the side of the FDP.