From 15 to 23 April the Rome headquarters of the Bank of Italy will host around 100 trade union delegates from the CGIL, CISL and UIL for a series of training meetings. The meetings are part of the financial education project 'Women matter...

even in the world of work!' During the first half of 2024, the initiative will also involve the other branches of the bank in the regional capitals. The delegates will in turn hold meetings in the workplace to train female workers on these same topics. In Italy, as in most OECD countries, the gender gap mainly concerns knowledge.Among Italian women, the gap is wider for those with a low level of education, for students and even more so for housewives and pensioners. The gap is greatest in the South of the country, according to a report released by the OECD last December, in Italy, the report released in December, the Gender Gap in Italy is as wide as it was in the 1990s. The Bank ofItaly dedicates a broader framework of training activities to women, often in collaboration with bodies and associations.