Former councilor of the Puglia Region Alfonso Pisicchio and his brother Enzo are under house arrest. The crimes alleged against them are corruption for an act contrary to official duties, fraud, material falsehood, disturbed freedom of auctions, issuing of invoices for non-existent operations.

The investigation concerns three alleged rigged tenders. A tender from the Municipality of Bari was manipulated, according to the Bari Prosecutor's Office. The investigations revealed the disruption of a tender announced by the municipality for the assignment of support activities for the management and collection of taxes, with a starting bid amount of approximately 5, 5 million euros. Other fake policies would have been used to obtain funding from the Pugolia Region. The financial police also seized assets worth 800 thousand euros. The ban from professional activity for one year concerns Vincenzo Iannuzzi and Grazia Palmitessa. The accusations against Alfonsino Pisiscchio concern the period in which he was councilor for the Emiliano council.