'Many faces in memory' premiered on Rai Storia on Tuesday 16 April at 10.10pm. Six different women and a common story, that of the Via Rasella attack and the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, told in their own words.

The text, from 2015 when it was performed on stage for the first time, has an enormous relevance today. "They are indomitable widows, scarred but full of strength who lived on the margins of history, or at the center like the partisans but they tell it without rhetoric", says Francesca Comencini, the director of the show. The docu was screened at the Rome Film Festival and Rai Cultura wants to leave a trace of it because it "had to continue shooting" and show around the world. The very talented Lunetta gives it voice on stage with the intensity of the simple word Savino, Carlotta Natoli, Simonetta Solder, Chiara Tomarelli, Bianca Nappi and Mia Benedetta.