The night attack from Iran which included hundreds of threats being launched on the Israeli home front broke the dam in the conflict between the State of Israel and the Ayatollah regime. In the Israeli security system, they have not yet had time to celebrate the impressive achievement of the air defense system.

Between a significant response on the land of Tehran and the utilization of international credit for the attack in Rafah Wow with all the answers from four experts on how Israel will respond to Iran's night attack on Israel. The decision on the response will have to be made from a strategic point of view of the world vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear project. The world must mobilize for the decisive action to thwart the Iranian project. We must not hesitate - but we need to find the appropriate response," says Brigadier General Yossi Koperverser of the Walla! System. "We need to attack the infrastructures that attacked us - the industries that built the UAVs and warehouses," says Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror.